
Video Tutorials

Video Tutorials

Attendance Video Tutorial

Mark Attendance Anytime Anywhere

Learn how to mark and view attendance from your phone using the People-i App. This video also shows you how line managers can review and manage their team's attendance records.

Attendance Video Tutorial (Urdu)

Mark Attendance Anytime Anywhere

Learn how to mark and view attendance from your phone using the People-i App in Urdu Language. This video also shows you how line managers can review and manage their team's attendance records.

Leave Application Video Tutorial

Apply for Leaves through People-i

Learn how to access and apply for leave from your phone using the People-i App. This video also shows you how line managers can review and manage their team's leave applications.

Expense Application Video Tutorial

Apply for Expense through People-i

Learn how to access and apply for expense from your phone using the People-i App. This video also shows you how line managers can review and manage their team's expense applications.

Travel Application Video Tutorial

Apply for Travel through People-i

In this video you will learn how to access and apply for travel from your phone using the People-i App. This video also shows you how line managers can review and manage their team's travel applications.

JD & Goal Setting Video Tutorial

Performance Management with People-i

Learn how to enter Job Descriptions and Identify Goals for your Employees using the Performance Management Module.

Appraisal Application Video Tutorial

Submit your Appraisal Application through People-i

Learn how to access and fill out the appraisal application using People-i Performance Management Module. This video also shows you what essential information needs to be provided by the employees in order to complete the application and submit to their Line Manager for Evaluation.

Appraisal Evaluation Video Tutorial

Review & Evaluate Appraisal Application through People-i

In this video you will learn how to conduct appraisal evaluation from the Line Manager & the HR Portal using People-i Performance Management Module. This video also shows you what essential information needs to be provided in order to complete the appraisal process.